Reindex SET COLOR TO &COLOR4 MCONT MKEYFIELD MCONT MHELLO MKEYFIELD This routine will reindex the entire database. It may take a while, depending on the number of records in the database. Do you still want to reindex or uit ? MCONT MCONT MCONT DATAINDEX USE &DATAFILE INDEX &DATAINDEX CONAME Company LNAME PHONE1 Phone 1 PHONE2 Phone 2 MKEYFIELD MKEYFIELD Currently using the MKEYFIELD field. Which field do you wish to use for the quick search routine ? ame, ompany, Phone<1>, Phone<2>, or uit NC12Q Indexing on the Name USE &DATAFILE INDEX ON UPPER(LEFT(LNAME,25))+','+UPPER(LEFT(FNAME,20)) TO &DATAINDEX Indexing on the Company Name USE &DATAFILE INDEX ON UPPER(CONAME) TO &DATAINDEX Indexing on Phone 1 USE &DATAFILE INDEX ON UPPER(PHONE1) TO &DATAINDEX Indexing on Phone 2 USE &DATAFILE INDEX ON UPPER(PHONE2) TO &DATAINDEX DATAPATH TABSDFLT.DBF DFLTFILE USE &DFLTFILE INDEXFLD Finished Indexing the Data file. Press any key to continue...